Unfortunately, I am very aware of children being sexually abused and that they can also be sexually abusive. That’s a whole other piece to try and write about in the future. I’m really not talking about ten year olds in this piece. If you click on the link I left near the bottom, the ADF targeted a Kindergarten kid. When I mentioned the age ten, I was reiterating the fact that the suicidal boy was suicidal even before he reached the age of ten.
Most kids aren’t aware of sex, and ADF trying to label trans kids as sexual predators is disgusting. I definitely agree that all kids should be protected regardless, but in my piece I’m specifically speaking about LGBTQ youth. You took a very small bit of my piece, separated it, and turned into a whole other topic. I agree with the main message of your response, but my piece isn’t trying to paint kids as pure. My piece is specifically about trans kids being targeted by ADF and LGBTQ youth being thrust into these villianized characters.