T in the LGBTQ
A poem and some
T in the LGBTQ
T for tenacious
Whole lot of patience
Living under a president that’s racist
Voters and representatives scared to say shit
A sea of bitter faces
How long are we supposed to take it?
Trying to keep a straight face like braces
Trying to double-back on the basics
Heart beating rapid as if I’m racing
Racing time
Racing ignorance
Silent indifference
Predators robbing the youth of its innocence
T in the LGBTQ
T for taboo
They wonder how and why we do what we do
As if we don’t deserve to breathe
As if we don’t deserve to see-
They rather give in to the lies and deceit
Than seek the truth
I guess they don’t have anything to lose
T in the LGBTQ
T for tangible
I’m real just like you
And human too
If you’re looking for reasons to be ashamed-
I’ve got a basket-full
The hate thrown at us is national
People carry it with them like its fashionable
Brush it off when confronted like its casual
Ignorant to the fact that its fallible
T in the LGBTQ
That T is me
And many others
My brothers-
They can all hear your whispers
Cold as winter
Label us sinners
Well — the picture is bigger
Bigger than you
Bigger than me
Why can’t you see?
Life’s too short
For you not to support
A fellow human
Your cruel movement is losing
– BFoundAPen
Bitterness has always been a hard taste for me to swallow.
I don’t see how some people can allow it to overflow in their hearts.
The LGBTQ community has always been confronted with vile hatred and a refusal to understand. Times are definitely better than they were in some places. However, some LGBTQ members in other countries are still killed and tortured for being who they are and loving how they love. Some love is considered illegal. Illegal!
Well — if no one tells you today, I’m proud of you.
I’m proud of you for loving whoever you want to love.
I’m proud of you for not allowing that hate to turn you cold and for not settling for a life in a cramped, stuffy closet.
I’m proud that you chose to live regardless and stuck around long enough to find people who understand you and support you.
I stand with you each and every one of you. I don’t care what letter you associate with — Whether its the L, the G, the B, the T, the Q, or another letter. We’re all family to me. We’ve been the black sheep, the outcasts, the sinners, and the “broken” ones. I say we’re perfect the way we are.
You’re perfect the way you are.
I hope you enjoyed this piece, and I hope you have an amazing day!