Some of you fellow Christians LOVE to throw your ignorant judgement at us KNOWING you don’t follow every single rule in that thick Bible.
Note: *This was a response to a horribly bigoted response on a piece James Finn published. The Christian woman that responded compared LGBTQ individuals to murderers. She slapped a “Sinner” label on us simply for living in our truth.
I wasn’t the only Th-Ink Queerly family member that backed up James and defended our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. After much backlash, she backpedaled and tried to apologize. She said she “hopes we find the Truth someday” which implies that LGBTQ people are living a lie. Since then, her response has been taken down and her account has either been deleted, suspended, or banned.*
If you’re going to compare LGBTQ people to murderers you better compare yourselves to murderers too while you’re at it. When was the last time you told a lie? Yupp, go right ahead and compare yourself to a murderer too!
You could have saved those minutes you spent typing that bigoted response and I don’t know…maybe read your Bible and refresh your memory because you’re definitely not spreading his word with this bs response. Doesn’t God say to love everyone unconditionally? Doesn’t he say not to judge? Yet here you are throwing your disgusting bigoted beliefs on us.
God never told anybody to DENY us a cake because we’re LGBTQ. In that case, you can’t have a business at all because EVERYONE sins. Didn’t Jesus hang out and spread his love with everyone, even prostitutes?
You and all those other ignorant Christians (not all of them) are just using Christianity as a shield to spread your ridiculous hatred. It’s entirely free to mind your own damn business. Why take time to comment on an LGBTQ publication piece if you think we’re such SINNERS. God loves everybody, even us– whether you want to believe it or not. I bet that makes you a little sick, doesn’t it? Well eat a communion wafer and get over it.
Believe it or not, I know some decent Christians that wouldn’t waste their time throwing hate at people. My closest friend happens to be one of them. She loves me unconditionally AS I AM without hesitation. Surprisingly, it’s not hard. But you wouldn’t know that, would you?