A prose poem
i. He had a small crush on this girl. She liked his writing; he thought she was beautiful. He tried to get to know her. He started staying up later just to talk to her. He waited for her to get off work. He paused his video games for her.
ii. He starts to build a routine. He starts finding cute ways to tell her good morning and goodnight. He wants to put a smile on her face. He’s still trying to get to know her. He’s asking questions about her life and her favorite things.
iii. Someone is always trying to get at her, but she swears nobody wants her. He decides he doesn’t want to be another dude she rolls her eyes at thought of. He wants to be her friend first and let it go wherever it leads. She requested for him to write her something one day. He immediately pulls out his notebook and pauses his video game. He writes until he feels like he has something she likes. She saves it; it was a success.
iv. Days turn into weeks. They talk whenever work isn’t too busy. Then something happens, but he can’t tell exactly when. He doubles back, trying to figure out why it feels off. He starts asking questions - simple questions like how she feels about him. She refuses to answer. After the chaos that’s been surrounding him, he refuses to let someone else steal his peace of mind. He falls back.
v. At first, he hate to admit it but he kinda misses her. However, the crush soon disappears. He remembers, but the feeling fades. Sometimes they talk, but it doesn’t feel the same. She keeps saying she’s dealing with life as if we all aren’t breathing- as if we all aren’t out here battling something. Oh well. He tried.
I hope you enjoyed this piece, and I hope you have a great day!